English Theatre at the FvSS

Our English department was very happy to welcome the English Theatre Frankfurt at the FVSS. Read more about the performance here.
On Thursday, November 21st, our school was visited by the team of the English Theatre. Huckleberry Finn, written by Marc Twain, was played by four actors in the auditorium of our school. The whole play was in English. Every one of the actors was from a different state of the USA. The play took about one hour. After the show, the students had the possibility to ask the director and the actors questions concerning the show and their job. Usually, their plays are staged in their own theatre, located in Frankfurt, where they perform famous plays in English. At the moment, they are playing „Sweeny Todd“ for example. We all enjoyed it very much, so in the name of all students, I would like to thank the English Theatre.
Smilla N.
On 21st November the English Theatre Frankfurt staged a play of Huckleberry Finn here at the Freiherr-vom-Stein Schule. The reason (because of which) why the play was (set) presented in Eppstein was that the students as well as the teachers were disappointed with their last visit to the English Theatre. Then a mute performance was given, which did not serve (an educational) the purpose of learning English. More than 100 pupils from 9th and 10th grade came together to watch the thrilling show by only four actors.
The performers enacted the most important parts of the adventurous life of Huckleberry Finn, such as the pretention of his death, which is followed by his flight. During his getaway he is joined by a slave named Jim, who is running away from being sold. Together they experience imprinting adventures that lead to Jim’s liberation. In the end, they can happily return to their families and friends.
In our opinion, the show was an exciting experience and well-performed. The actors used a fair amount of equipment as well as a variety of characters, even though only four people were involved in the play.
Marie B., Laura B., Ajsa L.
Fotos: Nikeshi S. und Paula W.